COVID-19 and Beyond

Jason Maxwell, MP founder and CEO discusses the impact of COVID-19, and the future of business in a short video interview. A few highlights from Jason’s interview:
How COVID-19 Crisis Has Spurred Innovation:
“[I have] just been really inspired by the resilience of a lot of people, a lot of our clients and the amount of innovation that’s going on…We’ve seen some of our clients really pivot their businesses…We have a client that’s a liquor distillery that’s now making hand sanitizer. We have a few clients that are now making PPE to help individuals and companies to stay safe during this time.”
On Businesses Reopening:
“I would say in the last month that it’s really shifted to helping our clients to one, stay compliant and two, make sure that they’re positioned to have a safe welcoming to bring back employees and customers to their place of business.”
The Future of Work
“[Businesses] need to focus more on productivity. One of the things we’re working towards is really helping companies to better connect the dots between their business goals, their HR strategy and their HR technology. So really giving them visibility into key performance indicators relative to absenteeism, safety, talent management.”
Additional Resources
Our COVID-19 resource page is always updated with latest information.