Presented on September 2nd at 1 PM EST
Best Practices for Hiring Top Talent in 2021 and Beyond*
00:00:00.480 –> 00:00:01.260
Sheri Heller: Good afternoon.
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Sheri Heller: Good afternoon, everybody, and thank you for joining us this sunny afternoon, and yes, here in beverly Massachusetts the sun is finally shining.
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Sheri Heller: Welcome to our presentation of best practices for hiring top talent in 2021 and beyond so For those of you who are new to mass pay have more income you as go to the next slide please.
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Maureen Harrington: There we go.
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Sheri Heller: There we go so For those of you who are new to mass pay MP, is a full service human capital management services company.
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Sheri Heller: And we offer a suite of products and services, including HR payroll benefits administration time and attendance and compliance.
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Sheri Heller: We support our clients with cutting edge technological excuse me solutions, as well as proactive reliable service in deep HR and payroll expertise.
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Sheri Heller: And P is wired for HR and we help clients succeed by tying your operational goals for your business goals.
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Sheri Heller: And with that I want to introduce you to today’s presenters for some will be Maureen harrington our talent acquisition specialist Maureen harrington is a talent acquisition recruiter with MP.
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Sheri Heller: For areas of expertise include sales retail and finance Marina has been a recruiter for bj wholesale club and middlesex savings bank.
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Sheri Heller: Prior to working in human resources Maureen spent 12 years as a development consultant to local and national nonprofit organizations.
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Sheri Heller: She holds a master’s degree from northeastern university and a BA from the State University of New York new paltz she’s a member of nehra the Northeast human resources association.
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Sheri Heller: Our other presenter today is Tracy westcott our talent solutions manager Tracy wescott is the talent solutions manager leading our recruitment processing outsourcing services here at MP.
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Sheri Heller: she’s been in talent talent acquisition field for almost 15 years before coming to MP Tracy was public consulting group’s talent acquisition lead for over eight years she holds a bachelor’s degree from St michael’s college in Vermont.
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Sheri Heller: And, as always we do our quick little disclaimer because oftentimes we are talking about employment law, however, this training is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
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Sheri Heller: Well, we do hope that you learned a lot today, we are not attorneys and the information should not be construed as legal advice.
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Sheri Heller: And just as a reminder, as always we do record our presentation and, at the end of the presentation, you will receive an email with a link to the recording as well as a copy of the slide deck.
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Sheri Heller: bottom of your screen you’ll see a Q amp a function, so please during the presentation feel free to chat in or send us in your questions and we’ll leave some time at the end for that so with that i’m going to turn it over to morning.
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Maureen Harrington: Thanks so much, I really appreciate it so just jumping into kind of an overview of our topics for today’s we’re going to talk a little bit about the state of hiring some of the challenges of hiring for small business and strategies for attracting top talent.
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Maureen Harrington: So, looking at the state of hiring.
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Maureen Harrington: You know, really, what we’re going to spend some time on is what does the landscape of the job market look like right now.
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Maureen Harrington: What are the challenges as small businesses are facing and for any business, for that matter, are facing as it relates to the changing market and, lastly, how you can you strategize to attract the best candidates for your organization.
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Maureen Harrington: So to kick it off i’m going to talk about the state of hiring and some of the factors that we’re facing the job market right now.
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Maureen Harrington: So here’s some stats for you to consider right.
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Maureen Harrington: Probably could be surprising to some of you, and maybe not to others, but it’s really revealing for the first time in decades the supply for talent now surpasses the demand.
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Maureen Harrington: that’s out there 9.2 million job openings in the US and companies are struggling to find strong candidate pool as the market becomes more competitive.
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Maureen Harrington: Today we’ll do a deeper dive shortly around some ways to help your organization, as you face some of those challenges.
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Maureen Harrington: Another key factor is 60%.
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Maureen Harrington: of unemployed workers are collecting more unemployment than they would have earned working keeping a lot of people still out of the job market and then lastly 20% of parents left work or reduce their work hours in this last year due to the pandemic.
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Maureen Harrington: And that has had a really significant impact on the workforce so as we look at this workforce, one of the things we’ll talk about is how can we attract these candidates as they’re not they not only re enter the workforce.
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Maureen Harrington: Now and in the next few months and beyond.
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Tracy Westcott: Marina Marina I want to jump in really quick, you made a really good point here, and I think it’s interesting to see all of those numbers together, because I think it creates a really.
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Tracy Westcott: interesting challenge when we look at the demand of jobs, but then also just you know the organizations and understanding why people are or aren’t on.
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Tracy Westcott: The market looking for jobs, so I think it’s also important to really you know just recognize those challenges, both you know if we look at you know the candidate pool.
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Tracy Westcott: As well as different organizations and I think actually Maureen and I were just talking.
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Tracy Westcott: This week, as it relates to some of our own internal recruiting strategies and I did a quick job search and linkedin looking at the number of recruiter jobs versus software engineer jobs in linkedin.
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Tracy Westcott: In the US, and there were actually about 315,000 recruiter or talent acquisition jobs and about half that of software engineers, there was about 160,000.
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Tracy Westcott: So I was looking at that data, and then I also.
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Tracy Westcott: did a quick kind of person or people search in linkedin and in the US there’s actually currently just over 1 million recruiters and talent acquisition specialist.
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Tracy Westcott: Whereas there’s 3.4 million software engineers so i’m not i’m not an expert in stats by all means, but currently.
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Tracy Westcott: There are more than three times the amount of software engineers in the market, and it also just tells us, you know it’s telling in the sense that you know companies are hiring recruiting positions.
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Tracy Westcott: You know they’re looking you know, based on that kind of quick search they’re looking to increase recruiter positions by 30% as opposed to like four to 5%.
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Tracy Westcott: For software engineer, so I think it really just shows you know how companies are really investing in their talent management and it tells us a lot just about you know, the state of the job market and how competitive, it is in the need for recruiters.
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Maureen Harrington: i’m glad you brought that up Tracy because, when we were looking at that yesterday we were taking a look at the stats it was really eye opening, I think, for both of us as we strategize our own recruiting efforts here in MP.
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Maureen Harrington: So I want to switch gears and talk a little bit about what it looks like, on the other side for candidates.
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Maureen Harrington: As an organization, the most important recommendation I can make out there is the need for speed, we talked about this a lot here in our office candidates are seeing multiple offers, which is causing a bidding war for talent right now.
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Maureen Harrington: Now more than ever candidates are looking at total compensation and benefits as they consider offers as well, and given the competitive market candidates have a lot more negotiating power now.
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Maureen Harrington: As they are asking for, not only as it relates to compensation, but also weighing the benefits package, whether that’s work from home opportunities medical.
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Maureen Harrington: Dental health care benefits pto child care reimbursement, whatever that might be.
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Tracy Westcott: yeah Maureen and I think the only thing that I would add to this to you know just for the people listening to this webinar.
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Tracy Westcott: You know whether you’re you know if you’re a proactive candidate in the job market or you know, an active candidate.
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Tracy Westcott: In thinking about kind of the best place to really market yourself, I think the first thing I would say is really to you know focus on your web presence and linkedin.
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Tracy Westcott: If you’ve been at your you know role for a long time, and you know you haven’t updated your resume if you’re going to focus on one place, I think it’s you know really important to to focus on, you know linkedin.
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Tracy Westcott: And then you know I just I think it’s the best marketing tool in general, just to promote yourself, you know professionally great proactive resource and if you don’t know where to start, I mean I get that question a lot actually there’s tons of best practice videos and articles online.
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Maureen Harrington: Great point Tracy I know when i’m sourcing outside of linkedin I always cross reference and review candidates in linkedin profiles and sometimes I find some really great information that I wouldn’t otherwise find on a resume.
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Maureen Harrington: So we’re going to jump into some challenges for small business when it comes to hiring.
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Maureen Harrington: and
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Maureen Harrington: Really now given the state of hiring and the candidate market, I really think it can be applicable to any business of any size.
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Maureen Harrington: So one of the first challenges is limited funds recruiting and talent manager can be expensive for a lot of different reasons, when it comes to a strong recruiting strategy, the primary cost.
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Maureen Harrington: Around hiring can be a recruitment team and determining the right technologies that make the most sense for your business.
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Maureen Harrington: As a small company may not, you may only hire a handful of folks on the team, every year, and that can be really costly if you don’t have a budget for a dedicated recruitment team and the ability to purchase sophisticated recruiting technologies like an 80 s.
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Maureen Harrington: And we’ll go into some other ways, you can tackle that and some of the later slides that we have coming up.
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Tracy Westcott: And for some of the people that you know, maybe they’re not kind of used to the back end tools of you know, the day to day.
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Tracy Westcott: recruiting what are some of the different you know recruiting resources can you talk about that a little bit you know just to kind of show them or tell them what some of the stronger recruitment teams, you know utilize.
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Maureen Harrington: Sure absolutely we aren’t just talking about 80 s systems or applicant tracking systems anymore for recruiting, as you know, the team here at MP, we rely heavily on our.
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Maureen Harrington: ETS and linkedin but to gain a competitive advantage it isn’t going to cut it in the long run.
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Maureen Harrington: it’s important to utilize other sourcing platforms like artificial intelligence or Ai targeted marketing campaigns and actively staying up to date with compensation data.
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Maureen Harrington: So thinking about using a detailed compensation tool, especially now, as we think about the shifts to remote workers.
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Maureen Harrington: So where we might have looked at compensation, based on an actual location now you’re looking at an entire workforce, it could be based anywhere.
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Maureen Harrington: So, like I said, as you know very well, these products are not cheap and i’ll go back to my earlier points here, these systems are wonderful tools.
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Maureen Harrington: But as I said, the key to a strong our recruiting process is one when you find a needle in the haystack is to move really quickly and maintain your ongoing communication with candidates.
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Maureen Harrington: So, like to talk about the cost of hiring and training, this seems to be a never ending topic as it relates to talent acquisition and talent management.
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Maureen Harrington: But, as we said it’s expensive to hire people but it’s also costly to hire and train staff i’ve always said in my years of recruiting your best.
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Maureen Harrington: hiring strategy is is one to retain the estimated cost of a higher is usually 1.3 or 1.4 times their salary, so you know, think about that.
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Maureen Harrington: it’s cheaper to train and retain your current employees versus having to deal with turnover the factoring lost productivity when employee leaves is something to consider as well.
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Maureen Harrington: you’ve got all that other time, why they’ve been gone and then the onboarding costs to consider the ramp up time for new employees is something also to consider, as part of your hiring and training costs as well.
00:12:56.640 –> 00:13:07.920
Tracy Westcott: Marty sorry to interrupt but on the on the topic of just you know retaining you know in training, I don’t know if you’ve seen, but we did a great seminar or webinar.
00:13:08.790 –> 00:13:16.020
Tracy Westcott: Back in May with taryn abrams about employee retention and strategies, you know, to prevent burnout.
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Tracy Westcott: I think that was a really great webinar and if you haven’t seen it I definitely recommend people to to watch that because I think you know we mentioned it a little bit here, but I do think it’s a really important point to make, as we, as we you know talk about some of these things.
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Maureen Harrington: I would agree it definitely goes hand in hand with what we’re talking about today.
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Maureen Harrington: So diving into last piece of strategies for attracting top talent.
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Maureen Harrington: i’m really looking forward to this so first the post and pray strategy will not will not work anymore.
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Maureen Harrington: I think there’s a lot of folks I talked to a certainly have you utilize this strategy in the past where they’ve posted jobs just up on indeed and waited for the applicant flow to come in.
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Maureen Harrington: And then did their hiring directly, there is no longer, this is a candidate market, we will go on to talk about how to be strategic and who, you can get in front of.
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Maureen Harrington: And how do you attract candidates to your company and your openings especially passive candidates.
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Maureen Harrington: You know, as you think about this, the hiring process is shortening research shows that after for intermediate fuse rather you get diminishing returns on on time.
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Maureen Harrington: So, think about that during your your hiring process, think about no more than a four step hiring process and that’s you know that the top right candidates one understand also what your culture is about in the hiring process so think about what it’s like to work for your company.
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Maureen Harrington: And the importance of that.
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Maureen Harrington: The other piece i’d like to mention is is the use of assessments that’s a thing of the past as well.
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Maureen Harrington: If you are going to use assessments, which you know we certainly do here, I MP, to use them during the mid part of the hiring process, not in the beginning.
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Maureen Harrington: Otherwise, you have the potential to turn away applicants by saying okay you’ve applied for the job, and now we want you to take this assessment.
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Maureen Harrington: And it’s like well I didn’t even you know learn anything I haven’t even gotten an interview so think about you know if you’re going to use assessments to do that, you know midpoint in the hiring process.
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Maureen Harrington: So jumping into growing your pipeline virtually.
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Maureen Harrington: have some suggestions here.
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Maureen Harrington: hosting virtual recruiting events if you’re not already doing this should absolutely be doing it.
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Maureen Harrington: Including career fairs and virtual open houses they’re easy to set up through indeed and they can attract more candidates.
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Maureen Harrington: folks who you wouldn’t normally have and it’s a quick and easy way to speak to candidates get those screening questions done and see who you’d like to move forward with in the hiring process.
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Maureen Harrington: Second, create a social media campaign highlighting available job opportunities and and your company culture that drives back to your career site.
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Maureen Harrington: Using social media sites like linkedin Facebook Twitter and instagram channels really important to highlight job openings and benefits of working at your company to drive applicants to apply.
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Maureen Harrington: Investing in paid digital advertising opportunities to reach a wider talent pool sponsored job ads can be used as a tool to increase the number of views on a job advertisement.
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Maureen Harrington: recommend using those occasionally as well, and then experiment with new job boards that might be a watering hole for ideal candidates, depending on the type of position that you’re hiring for you’ll want to fill in some.
00:17:00.750 –> 00:17:20.970
Maureen Harrington: Use some great nice job boards i’ve certainly used in my ears to dice maybe for technical jobs, the ladders calm for 100 K plus jobs, indeed and glass door and Google for jobs are a couple more that I think of an indeed organic is is come into the fray as well as simply hired.
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Maureen Harrington: And I always say don’t forget craigslist if you’re thinking about or you’re working in a really tough environment that’s very regional centric it may have a really small population or a small candidate pool.
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Maureen Harrington: Like perhaps here in the northeast it’s a good really targeted approach to post a job and see what it can do for you.
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Maureen Harrington: And lastly, identify and focus your efforts on the channels that are driving the most traffic and the most qualified candidates, so this can take some trial and error.
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Maureen Harrington: measure your success in your failures and work with the ones that produce the best results.
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Maureen Harrington: So engaging job seekers, really, really important in the in this candidate market that we’re experiencing you need to stay hyper connected with candidates.
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Maureen Harrington: By adopting conversational recruiting strategies and technologies that includes texting messaging Apps and email.
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Maureen Harrington: Often, using more than one channel to engage candidates, we I often use two methods of contacting a candidate usually one is their preferred method of communication, whatever they might indicate in my ETS is that.
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Maureen Harrington: And if you don’t know what their preferred method of of communication is ask them.
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Maureen Harrington: implement a chat Bot, on your career site another great tool to amplify and automate sourcing screening and scheduling.
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Maureen Harrington: and answering candidate faqs they might have questions about benefits that could be easily answered in a chat Bot, this can also create some urgency and responsiveness for the candidate.
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Maureen Harrington: To save time answering up from questions and arranging interviews and then creating an informative engaging content that showcases your company culture so important to have think about your employer brand here, including career sites blog post videos.
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Maureen Harrington: An employee testimonials we have them on our website on MP dash if you want to see those employee testimonials.
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Maureen Harrington: An employer brand needs to stand out with candidates, so why would you need to really articulate Why would someone want to work for your company and if you’ve got folks that work for your company and love love working there you know highlight that and shout that out.
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Maureen Harrington: And then, lastly, send regular targeted emails to your talent pools with relevant job openings company news upcoming you know talent events that you’re hosting virtual events stay in contact with them, keeping them engaged is so important.
00:20:04.290 –> 00:20:13.680
Sheri Heller: I can add one more piece to your you’re encouraging them on on updating the website on your careers page don’t forget to show what your benefits are.
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Sheri Heller: Because a lot of times, that is how candidates are sort of measuring one company or one opportunity against another and use it as a marketing tool to to to market what you offer.
00:20:25.530 –> 00:20:37.620
Maureen Harrington: Great point sherry, I absolutely agree, I always amazed at some of the benefits that I see on some company websites and it’s great to have that upfront and personal for people to see right online.
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Maureen Harrington: Great would love to jump into updating your job board presence as well.
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Maureen Harrington: You know I talked a little bit about this before, so ensuring your job boards are leveraging your most recent corporate logos and links to your career page really important that that’s updated.
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Maureen Harrington: I oftentimes can see from companies that but isn’t necessarily always update in current so important to make sure that that’s done.
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Maureen Harrington: also reviewing company descriptions and update them consistency every job description, think about this in your company should be reviewed or updated at least once a year.
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Maureen Harrington: it’s something that we talked about here at MP and it’s something, you know that we we assist our clients with as well.
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Maureen Harrington: And then add information to your company’s response to any changes and a link to your faqs right where appropriate faqs are really, really helpful, they can be simple, as you know, what are the benefits to working at xyz company.
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Maureen Harrington: What are the job openings or is there part time work things of that nature and then I always recommend going through the application process on a job board from start to finish.
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Maureen Harrington: i’ve done this myself many times, just to make sure there aren’t any kinks in the in the process can candidate successfully upload a resume and.
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Maureen Harrington: and keep.
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Maureen Harrington: You know, submit an application in a timely manner right and check for any disruptions with the candidate experience with that.
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Maureen Harrington: So then, lastly, you know jumping into some really high level interview tips that I think are really something to think about.
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Maureen Harrington: So I always say you know before the interview know what you’re looking for in a candidate right what kind of experience they have.
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Maureen Harrington: What kind of attributes are needed for the role and one way to do this is to have a 15 minute kickoff meeting.
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Maureen Harrington: With the hiring manager to brainstorm actual experiences skills and qualities that are needed to succeed in the role it’s something i’ve employed for many years to have that quick conversation about.
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Maureen Harrington: What are successful attributes of a person in order to be successful in this role, what do they need to have.
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Maureen Harrington: In order to do that and and talk about folks who are successful in the role, what kind of qualities, do they have.
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Maureen Harrington: And then interview strategically right have candidate have the candidate interview with peers and and other department areas within your company, it gives a Kennedy to better view.
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Maureen Harrington: Of of the company in general and the overall experience and the more folks that they can touch sometimes can help with that.
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Sheri Heller: When asked what it was they.
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Sheri Heller: want to jump into marine yeah sorry one thing one thing to consider there with the interviewing.
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Sheri Heller: And as as the HR partner here is that you’ll also want to make sure that you are training your managers on how to interview, and you want to make sure that you are.
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Sheri Heller: Not stepping into compliance issues with interviewing so, for example, a lot of States now you can’t ask for a salary history.
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Sheri Heller: so little things like that can really trip you up so it’s really important as part of that interview process to make sure that you’re paying attention to some of those compliance issues.
00:24:00.000 –> 00:24:08.160
Maureen Harrington: Absolutely sherry thanks for bringing that up absolutely training managers on interviews i’ve certainly done that, in my experience, by providing.
00:24:08.760 –> 00:24:23.850
Maureen Harrington: Actually, giving them interview questions advanced don’t ever just assume a manager, as had a hiring experience so giving them those questions those you know eight to 10 questions, a list of them in advance to ask candidates really can be really helpful.
00:24:24.630 –> 00:24:33.060
Tracy Westcott: Right and the only other thing I would add to this to you know as it relates to that kickoff meeting, to which you see a lot where if you’re going into back to back interviews.
00:24:33.900 –> 00:24:42.780
Tracy Westcott: being prepared for each of those interviews because there’s so many times that you, you know talk to candidates or i’ve been the situation myself and you feel like each 30 minute.
00:24:43.110 –> 00:24:51.150
Tracy Westcott: interview you’re being asked the same question so it’s really just being mindful of of that process and the candidate experience as well.
00:24:51.840 –> 00:25:00.720
Maureen Harrington: Great point Tracy absolutely I think certainly getting being on target and planning those interviewing questions can certainly help with that for sure.
00:25:01.950 –> 00:25:02.310
Maureen Harrington: Great.
00:25:04.020 –> 00:25:05.340
Maureen Harrington: So also being really.
00:25:06.360 –> 00:25:11.700
Maureen Harrington: asking the right questions let’s jump in there, asking the right questions on phone screens in interviews and we just talked about that.
00:25:12.450 –> 00:25:22.560
Maureen Harrington: And being consistent and asking the same questions for each candidate, so you can compare answers evenly really important and that’s as Tracy said, you know.
00:25:23.400 –> 00:25:40.140
Maureen Harrington: Having having prepared those questions in advance is really helpful with that and then being specific making sure there will the role is well defined and the criteria is clear and attainable I always say even superstars can fall short when expectations are unclear.
00:25:42.240 –> 00:25:47.640
Maureen Harrington: And then I would look for patterns in a resume right this comes up a lot for hiring managers for sure.
00:25:48.750 –> 00:25:52.620
Maureen Harrington: Have they change jobs every year keep in mind, you know.
00:25:53.850 –> 00:26:00.120
Maureen Harrington: hiring has changed, people have changed right they’re no longer staying in jobs for 10 1520 years.
00:26:01.290 –> 00:26:09.360
Maureen Harrington: And if you’re concerned about movement on on someone’s resume asked him about why they left the job dig into those questions.
00:26:10.110 –> 00:26:22.140
Maureen Harrington: And then location matters right check in with candidates to ensure they’ll be happy with the work environment and the location, with such a strong shift to remote work for a lot of folks here in the US.
00:26:23.250 –> 00:26:25.020
Maureen Harrington: Think about the role.
00:26:26.370 –> 00:26:40.200
Maureen Harrington: Regarding being hybrid some days in the office and other days, working from home, a lot of people work from home during the pandemic, as we know, and they’re looking for a new role that will offer a similar environment, or at least a hybrid one for them.
00:26:41.850 –> 00:26:55.830
Maureen Harrington: And then harness your network reach out to others who may know, the candidate right and see what they have to say, you know shoot them a message on linkedin and say hey I was chatting with so and so didn’t know if you you’ll have any thoughts.
00:26:57.030 –> 00:27:09.390
Maureen Harrington: And then think about skills can always be taught right so having a good fit with a company is really key and important, and it can lead to really good retention, but you know.
00:27:09.840 –> 00:27:16.230
Maureen Harrington: Think about those skills that can be taught, but if there is a good fit with a company, you know, sometimes that can outweigh the that skill piece.
00:27:20.040 –> 00:27:23.430
Maureen Harrington: So i’d love to spend some time considering the candidate experience.
00:27:25.260 –> 00:27:35.160
Maureen Harrington: You know the hiring process has changed we’ve been talking about this, you know so so far, all day today right it’s a candidate market employers have to move fast in the hiring process.
00:27:36.660 –> 00:27:41.970
Maureen Harrington: So, keeping candidates updated on your search, I know I mentioned that before.
00:27:43.800 –> 00:28:01.650
Maureen Harrington: I do multiple emails to folks and in in terms of you know, just a quick touch base still working on putting together the next interview for you just wanting to keep you apprised so think about that always think about the candidate experience and every time you’re thinking about a communication.
00:28:04.140 –> 00:28:09.990
Maureen Harrington: You know, in the hiring process, and then it asked questions right get to know their candidates as well.
00:28:10.980 –> 00:28:18.480
Maureen Harrington: Even though we’re doing a tremendous amount of virtual hiring it, you know it’s still important to have that warm and fuzzy time, as I mentioned.
00:28:19.200 –> 00:28:32.160
Maureen Harrington: With candidates of you know, I see you’re in Nevada how’s the weather there today things of that nature that you might not be face to face with them in an office, but you can still have that casual banter to develop before.
00:28:37.230 –> 00:28:45.240
Maureen Harrington: So, another key piece of this is also competitive benefits package, I know we talked about this briefly before so you know.
00:28:45.660 –> 00:28:55.560
Maureen Harrington: In in having conversations and seeing what’s out there in the market, you know care benefits are becoming mandatory not optional as we move forward in this market since coded.
00:28:56.760 –> 00:29:05.520
Maureen Harrington: So being able to attract talent to your business is really important, so competitive benefits package that includes child care credits.
00:29:06.750 –> 00:29:11.220
Maureen Harrington: and competitive wages matter in this market and they matter to bring on top talent.
00:29:12.330 –> 00:29:28.470
Maureen Harrington: So you know they’re not optional anymore they’re more mandatory mandatory rather and there’s ways to do this with them without a cost associated with it, so small businesses faced attention of controlling costs and investing in talent right, especially since coven.
00:29:30.300 –> 00:29:38.730
Maureen Harrington: So you know tracking the best embrace people require these kind of benefits so giving the employees benefits that they value.
00:29:40.020 –> 00:29:50.580
Maureen Harrington: So there’ll be more satisfied at work right and and that will reap benefits by missing fewer workdays a less likely to leave a job and have a higher commitment to the company.
00:29:51.690 –> 00:30:08.310
Maureen Harrington: Research shows that employees who feel their benefits needs are satisfied that they’re more productive and a happy and healthy workforce is a productive and a loyal one and who doesn’t want that right so so neglecting to offer employees benefits they might want.
00:30:10.140 –> 00:30:14.370
Maureen Harrington: could appear good for the bottom line in the short term, but the long term it’ll backfire on you.
00:30:15.180 –> 00:30:23.130
Maureen Harrington: happy and healthy workforce is a productive one so something to think about how to invest and grow your people is really important when it comes to benefits.
00:30:23.820 –> 00:30:30.690
Maureen Harrington: So let’s dive in a little bit more right family friendly care benefits access to online platforms for care.
00:30:31.560 –> 00:30:41.370
Maureen Harrington: it’s a you know a great way to be able to offer this for you know whether it was care for children, adults seniors pets, whatever it might be.
00:30:42.210 –> 00:30:51.510
Maureen Harrington: You know that subscription to, for example, is something that could be really useful as a benefit subsidize backup care is another one that comes to mind.
00:30:54.360 –> 00:31:04.920
Maureen Harrington: it’s something that our families are certainly looking for, and you know, giving employees a little bit of money up front for any kind of backup care they might need for childcare purposes.
00:31:06.120 –> 00:31:16.470
Maureen Harrington: gender neutral paid family and medical leave as well as flexible childcare spending accounts, if you don’t have those in place certainly something that really, really helps with bottom line.
00:31:17.370 –> 00:31:28.500
Maureen Harrington: And also, including discounts to child care and senior care centers, these are not typical benefits that we would have thought about you know you know 510 15 years ago so something to think about.
00:31:29.700 –> 00:31:34.860
Sheri Heller: Marine from from a personal perspective, improve so many that I work with so many clients that I work with.
00:31:35.160 –> 00:31:42.420
Sheri Heller: We have a whole generation of us that are carrying both for you know kids and also for our aging parents.
00:31:42.630 –> 00:31:56.010
Sheri Heller: So those care those ability those opportunities to be able to care for your loved ones and a lot of times those don’t cost extra to the employer it’s really just taking the time to reach out to the facilities in your in your local area.
00:31:56.400 –> 00:32:04.020
Sheri Heller: and finding out what kind of discounts that they can offer your employees oftentimes it doesn’t cost you a thing is just some time little investigation on your part.
00:32:04.920 –> 00:32:11.280
Maureen Harrington: Great point cherry and also there’s some great national networks that provide those kind of benefits to have an 800 number.
00:32:11.970 –> 00:32:16.350
Maureen Harrington: You know that folks can call so thinking about signing up with a more.
00:32:16.920 –> 00:32:24.060
Maureen Harrington: You know, for folks that have more of a national presence or a larger regional presence something to think about to where they can do that research for them.
00:32:24.390 –> 00:32:31.980
Maureen Harrington: But it gives them that opportunity to call 800 number and speak to a professional them can identify those places that you mentioned sherry, thank you.
00:32:32.970 –> 00:32:47.160
Maureen Harrington: Great so some low cost, no cost options to consider building flexible work schedules, you know, work has changed, you know whether or not someone works nine to five isn’t necessarily indicative.
00:32:48.270 –> 00:32:48.750
Maureen Harrington: Of what.
00:32:50.040 –> 00:32:58.080
Maureen Harrington: Of the work that we have going on today, can you be flexible, with your time, can they come in work 10 to six or 12 to eight.
00:32:59.790 –> 00:33:12.510
Maureen Harrington: Some companies are offering unlimited pain time off to their employees as well, I know i’ve read studies on that in regards to their offering unlimited painted off and folks aren’t even taking as much as you would honestly think they would be.
00:33:13.860 –> 00:33:30.390
Maureen Harrington: But it’s the idea that they have the time if they need it and then expanding pto to care for a child or a family member really important if you don’t have that in place something to consider to be able to take that time off for those reasons as well.
00:33:32.340 –> 00:33:42.780
Maureen Harrington: And by giving him play these benefits that they value their more satisfied, they must be your work days they’re less likely to leave a job and they’ll have that higher commitment like we talked about.
00:33:44.850 –> 00:33:50.280
Maureen Harrington: And there’ll be more productive for you and that’s The bottom line, you know regarding that.
00:33:51.330 –> 00:33:57.990
Maureen Harrington: So I wanted to jump in you know and to QA and and let’s see what we have sherry.
00:33:59.130 –> 00:34:07.980
Sheri Heller: And there’s still time if you have some questions for a few more mean I can just click on that Q amp a feature at the bottom of the screen, we do have one question that came in as far.
00:34:08.220 –> 00:34:14.340
Sheri Heller: It says as a recruiter have self how have some of the conversations change with candidates, since the pandemic.
00:34:15.450 –> 00:34:34.350
Maureen Harrington: Great question yeah certainly what’s what’s come up for sure it’s been about benefits, I am finding the conversations that are happening around benefits is coming up sooner in the hiring process than later, so on those initial phone screens folks are asking me about.
00:34:35.790 –> 00:34:44.400
Maureen Harrington: What kind of benefits the company offers you know when they’re be eligible for those benefits as another question that comes up, is there a wait time for those benefits.
00:34:45.390 –> 00:34:59.100
Maureen Harrington: And what does that look like and then the total compensation package as well, so you know, is there a bonus plan you know what does the pto plan look like those are all questions that are coming up sooner rather than later in the process.
00:34:59.760 –> 00:35:05.130
Sheri Heller: and actually brings up a good point because I really we try to encourage our clients to utilize.
00:35:05.490 –> 00:35:16.860
Sheri Heller: I found our payroll platform in order to really track all of those benefits that they offer so that they can produce and really show people that total COMP package because you can’t package isn’t just your base salary.
00:35:17.190 –> 00:35:28.350
Sheri Heller: The COMP package is going to include all of those extras and when when when you have a candidate who’s looking at a few different options, you want to make sure that you’re comparing apples to apples and you’re seeing the total value.
00:35:30.360 –> 00:35:36.630
Tracy Westcott: yeah and I think a big I mean people were really scared to have those conversations on their front end right, you know when it comes to.
00:35:37.110 –> 00:35:44.160
Tracy Westcott: You know, working from home or having that kind of flexibility, I think that you know people are a little bit more hesitant before the pandemic.
00:35:44.430 –> 00:35:53.640
Tracy Westcott: To have those conversations, but now were you know really starting to have those conversations you know, during during the first call you know, instead of instead of at the end of the process.
00:35:54.630 –> 00:36:04.020
Maureen Harrington: yeah definitely i’ve definitely seen a huge uptick in that and and those conversations like I said, are happening sooner rather than later on that first call absolutely absolutely.
00:36:04.560 –> 00:36:24.420
Sheri Heller: Another question is that you’ll for for you as a small business with with really not much budget for recruiting how what’s the biggest bang for our buck, would it be an atf system would it be paying for ads what’s the biggest bang for the buck.
00:36:26.430 –> 00:36:35.460
Tracy Westcott: Question yeah I think I do think applicant tracking system, you know, is just a great resource, especially for you know if the company.
00:36:36.240 –> 00:36:47.610
Tracy Westcott: is going to be growing I mean then you’re really starting to build out a pipeline of candidates that has you know expressed interest in your company, as you continue to grow and then.
00:36:48.240 –> 00:37:06.450
Tracy Westcott: You know, obviously I know i’ve been really going back to linkedin but you know, making sure that those jobs are you know listed on your linkedin profile as well, I think, is a you know another you know really important thing to do that, that doesn’t cost any money right so.
00:37:07.140 –> 00:37:11.370
Maureen Harrington: yeah two strategies on that thanks for bringing up linkedin again Tracy yeah.
00:37:11.940 –> 00:37:17.670
Maureen Harrington: So you always have you know you always want to make sure you have a company page, believe it or not, sometimes I find that there are companies.
00:37:17.970 –> 00:37:21.480
Maureen Harrington: That have a company page on linkedin So if you don’t have one get one immediately.
00:37:22.050 –> 00:37:28.680
Maureen Harrington: And then you want to be posting on that company page right and then and an opportunity is to post those job positions there.
00:37:29.160 –> 00:37:35.790
Maureen Harrington: And then also as Tracy mentioned use your own linkedin profile to post positions I do it all the time.
00:37:36.480 –> 00:37:43.830
Maureen Harrington: to let my network know what positions i’m hiring for and ask for their help in forwarding those great opportunities and.
00:37:44.490 –> 00:37:59.310
Maureen Harrington: To to other folks in their network and share it you get so many more views and I get to see you know my my last post had like 743 views on it, so it was really great it’s a really powerful tool that didn’t cost me any money to do.
00:38:00.810 –> 00:38:08.670
Tracy Westcott: Obviously, the last, just as you know, for you know MP and how you know we could help from an ipo perspective.
00:38:09.210 –> 00:38:21.360
Tracy Westcott: You know, for anybody that doesn’t you know, have the means to hire a full time recruiter you know typically the first you know go is you know, to reach out, you know to an agency and.
00:38:22.110 –> 00:38:29.730
Tracy Westcott: You know you typically spending, you know 20 to 30% in through our rp O services which it’s more on a subscription model.
00:38:30.570 –> 00:38:40.590
Tracy Westcott: You know, so at any given time our team can carry you know up to five positions and help you really aggressively source for those positions and we have those.
00:38:40.950 –> 00:38:47.430
Tracy Westcott: resources and tools and what we’ve seen for our clients is really you know, sometimes that’s really their long term.
00:38:48.300 –> 00:39:02.910
Tracy Westcott: You know strategy, you know, but for some people, it really kind of helps them get over the hump and then kind of reassess so obviously you know that that’s a that’s a service that you know we’d be more than happy to provide.
00:39:04.200 –> 00:39:05.010
Maureen Harrington: Thanks Tracy.
00:39:06.240 –> 00:39:07.380
Tracy Westcott: Any other question cherry.
00:39:07.740 –> 00:39:16.200
Sheri Heller: Another question just came in, as a new recruiter at a small company what advice, do you have for approaching conversations regarding these types of changes with management.
00:39:16.530 –> 00:39:26.520
Sheri Heller: IE shortening a traditional extensive interview process coaching managers on how to interview investing in recruiting technology or additional recruiting staff.
00:39:27.300 –> 00:39:41.280
Sheri Heller: awesome awesome awesome question and I just wanted to remind them, I know that Maureen mentioned this, I think Tracy did as well if you go to m P dash slash webinars we do have some webinars on.
00:39:42.600 –> 00:39:53.040
Sheri Heller: on employee engagement on interviewing and a number of other topics that are archived so you can definitely listen to those but i’m going to let the recruiting experts answer this question.
00:39:54.600 –> 00:39:56.610
Sheri Heller: Sorry, I think it’s I think I think the.
00:39:56.640 –> 00:39:57.630
Maureen Harrington: Question three parts.
00:39:58.170 –> 00:40:06.270
Sheri Heller: senior management, because senior management has a sort of a way of thinking about how the job, how the job search ago but things are different now.
00:40:07.440 –> 00:40:24.300
Maureen Harrington: yeah so I kind of got into three separate areas, one is you know the the hiring process at a firm right, how do you how do you assess what’s the best one and how do you change one that’s already been it may be long standing or existing in place with the senior team right.
00:40:25.740 –> 00:40:28.050
Maureen Harrington: And it does take time, it can take time.
00:40:29.370 –> 00:40:35.580
Maureen Harrington: I I have worked with a number of different companies on shortening their hiring process.
00:40:36.720 –> 00:40:49.320
Maureen Harrington: In terms of timeline right, so it, as I said, you know i’ll go back to the presentation is really trying to you know focus on that for step hiring process, and if that involves also interviews.
00:40:50.550 –> 00:40:59.640
Maureen Harrington: If if maybe you’re doing interviews that are one on one right now with with individual people in one department or another department, maybe think about a group interview to shorten that process.
00:41:01.080 –> 00:41:06.150
Maureen Harrington: And those folks can bring their questions in a group interview process shortening that step.
00:41:07.470 –> 00:41:16.830
Maureen Harrington: Thinking about where you you do the assessment piece as well, getting that in in as a staff and counting that as a step with it within a potential candidate.
00:41:18.450 –> 00:41:21.060
Maureen Harrington: And then really talking about hiring managers about speed.
00:41:22.350 –> 00:41:22.770
Maureen Harrington: You know.
00:41:23.880 –> 00:41:26.670
Maureen Harrington: I oftentimes you get that push back.
00:41:27.810 –> 00:41:42.960
Maureen Harrington: Of while we’re not going to change our hiring process or you know it’s been this way, for you know X, Y Z years we’ve always done it this way and it’s really about showing them the value in speeding up the process to find top talent right.
00:41:44.220 –> 00:41:51.960
Maureen Harrington: And, and if you want, you know the top people at the top of the of the funnel them, you know we’ll need to have to move more swiftly.
00:41:53.340 –> 00:41:54.870
Maureen Harrington: Tracy do you have anything you want to add there.
00:41:55.620 –> 00:41:59.160
Tracy Westcott: No, I mean, I think you answered that perfectly, to be honest.
00:41:59.220 –> 00:42:00.090
Tracy Westcott: yeah i’m great.
00:42:00.360 –> 00:42:02.760
Tracy Westcott: it’s like it’s one of the biggest challenges right now right.
00:42:03.000 –> 00:42:05.220
Tracy Westcott: I mean morning, you and I have the conversation.
00:42:05.700 –> 00:42:15.540
Tracy Westcott: Almost every day about how we can get people in quicker, you know and it’s it’s it’s tough right now, because it’s it is so competitive so.
00:42:15.960 –> 00:42:17.700
Maureen Harrington: yeah move with speed move with speed I.
00:42:17.700 –> 00:42:20.250
Maureen Harrington: say it all the time, I do it, I do it myself.
00:42:20.730 –> 00:42:26.310
Maureen Harrington: You know I had a candidate I interviewed this morning and i’ve got scheduled for an interview with a client this afternoon.
00:42:27.360 –> 00:42:29.310
Maureen Harrington: You know, even just you know.
00:42:30.330 –> 00:42:38.010
Maureen Harrington: Knowing people’s schedules, in advance, being able to plug and play people very quickly can can condense that that hiring time.
00:42:39.150 –> 00:42:50.160
Maureen Harrington: And, and I always ask one other thing i’ll bring up to, I asked it as candidates, more so now than i’ve ever done before about you know where they are in their in their job search right.
00:42:51.300 –> 00:42:58.290
Maureen Harrington: Is are they just you know in first stages talking with companies are they in a second interview process with the number of people.
00:42:59.340 –> 00:43:08.820
Maureen Harrington: Are they just kind of told dipping we don’t where are they so do you get a understanding of what their urgency is as well, so understanding the candidate urgencies important to.
00:43:10.050 –> 00:43:10.620
Maureen Harrington: earn that.
00:43:10.860 –> 00:43:22.290
Sheri Heller: With and then by by making sure that you are as as Marty says, really, really jumping on things you’ll you interview this morning and then, however, have that candidate set up for a second interview this afternoon.
00:43:22.680 –> 00:43:30.570
Sheri Heller: That speaks volumes, as far as the candidate experience is concerned, it says, loud and clear to the candidate, we are very interested in you.
00:43:30.900 –> 00:43:41.940
Sheri Heller: If they are waiting for another interview that they had yesterday and they still have not heard back from them to schedule that that second round that puts you at that puts you up at the head of the class.
00:43:42.870 –> 00:43:48.630
Maureen Harrington: Absolutely, I think he was flabbergasted that we were able to get together with a CFO this afternoon, so I.
00:43:48.750 –> 00:44:02.160
Sheri Heller: Did I think I, and I know I shared with you know just assisting my daughter on an online application process, it was a 20 minute process to just get through the assessment, not with the initial application process.
00:44:02.400 –> 00:44:10.890
Sheri Heller: 20th in we stopped and said Okay, this is, this is obviously not the kind of company, we want to go work for a.
00:44:11.370 –> 00:44:15.600
Sheri Heller: Great candidate experience is so important.
00:44:15.990 –> 00:44:24.900
Maureen Harrington: Absolutely, and to get back on them on topic to with the with the question from our audience to regarding coaching and investing in technology to.
00:44:25.230 –> 00:44:35.490
Maureen Harrington: And we talked a little bit about the investing in technology, you know that, having a robust 80 s system there’s so many systems out there folks you know hundreds of them.
00:44:36.660 –> 00:44:46.140
Maureen Harrington: You know there’s always great free trials to try it and there’s some really simple ones that can be used i’m not going to advocate for one over another, but.
00:44:47.190 –> 00:45:00.900
Maureen Harrington: Simple ones that can we use just in order to to to get those folks into your system and evaluate them and and be able to use that power of an ETS to post all you know over 100 job boards.
00:45:02.520 –> 00:45:12.390
Maureen Harrington: That is an incredible thing there’s no way as a recruiter or a talent professional you can post 100 job boards so really important to be able to harness that power.
00:45:13.050 –> 00:45:24.330
Maureen Harrington: And then the coaching piece, I know I touched on it already a little bit you know coaching those hiring managers part of the job of a talent acquisition professional is about coaching hiring managers on hiring right.
00:45:25.590 –> 00:45:27.990
Maureen Harrington: They may be great managers or really.
00:45:29.400 –> 00:45:41.520
Maureen Harrington: adept and skilled at what they do day to day managing a team, but hiring might not be their strength so giving them the tools to be successful, think of yourself as an advisor I always do.
00:45:42.330 –> 00:45:54.060
Maureen Harrington: To these to these folks to provide them with questions ask them when you’re doing those kickoff meetings about what it is that they need from you in order to be successful, to make this higher possible.
00:45:55.530 –> 00:46:03.240
Maureen Harrington: You know, can I give you questions can we role play things of that nature and doing that coaching what see what they’re open to.
00:46:03.900 –> 00:46:17.340
Maureen Harrington: i’ve utilized in played all those strategies in different times or another, depending on the seniority and the openness of the hiring manager to to learn more and be successful and and setting realistic expectations around that as well.
00:46:18.660 –> 00:46:27.090
Sheri Heller: One of the one question that comes up a lot from the clients that I work with here at MP is is there’s this the bit about sort of a.
00:46:28.710 –> 00:46:41.610
Sheri Heller: hamster wheel they can’t get off of where their social at staff, they don’t have time to do the job to really do the recruiting job and then also to do the interviews and get people on board.
00:46:42.540 –> 00:46:53.820
Sheri Heller: And so it’s like a vicious circle is that we don’t have enough staff to do it, but we can’t hire staff because we’re not making the time to do it, what do you say, what do you say to the clients that you work with.
00:46:54.900 –> 00:47:01.380
Maureen Harrington: yeah and I think that really is a great point sherry, you know it gets down to hiring process at that point right.
00:47:01.770 –> 00:47:15.390
Maureen Harrington: is to say if you’ve got so many people stretched and not enough time think about how can we utilize the hiring process and shorten that make it as effective as possible to not tax as many people as possible and still get the same result right.
00:47:16.320 –> 00:47:26.880
Maureen Harrington: So how many interviews, is it going to take how many people do they need to speak with what is it that you can ascertain in one or two interviews to decide whether or not you want to move this person forward and be a part of your team.
00:47:28.500 –> 00:47:36.960
Maureen Harrington: So really being smart about that and then utilizing the time really valuably when I set up a call for example with a CFO it might be for 30 minutes, where.
00:47:38.070 –> 00:47:50.610
Maureen Harrington: Another executive might be for 45 or an hour really talking with them about what time that they think they need and setting the expectation, with the candidate to about how much time they might need as well.
00:47:52.200 –> 00:47:58.440
Maureen Harrington: You know how much time you’re booking so managing that time and managing that hiring process is so important.
00:47:59.160 –> 00:48:08.310
Maureen Harrington: In keeping that you know not extending that into you know weeks, months and you know, like I say years but you know, keeping it is short and sweet as possible.
00:48:09.030 –> 00:48:18.150
Maureen Harrington: So that you’re engaging that candidate quickly moving them through the process and then coming to them, you know if you want to move forward with an offer as quickly as you can.
00:48:19.140 –> 00:48:19.680
Sheri Heller: And another good.
00:48:20.940 –> 00:48:26.160
Sheri Heller: What, what are your thoughts on video interviews asking candidates to video record answers to questions.
00:48:26.580 –> 00:48:28.050
Maureen Harrington: hmm great question.
00:48:28.230 –> 00:48:29.160
Tracy Westcott: I think it’s great.
00:48:30.210 –> 00:48:34.050
Tracy Westcott: I know it’s something that you know we utilize here, and I think that.
00:48:35.220 –> 00:48:39.540
Tracy Westcott: You know even more now you know just having the.
00:48:40.590 –> 00:48:49.620
Tracy Westcott: You know, on screen presence is just so important, and I think that you know and depending on the role it really give you know, a company, an idea of.
00:48:50.640 –> 00:49:01.200
Tracy Westcott: You know some of those you know kind of more soft skills, you know that you would get in a face to face interview that you know you wouldn’t get without it.
00:49:02.400 –> 00:49:06.960
Sheri Heller: Right, so I think about video interviews yeah two different ways right one, is this pre.
00:49:06.960 –> 00:49:08.490
Maureen Harrington: recorded ones that you can set up.
00:49:09.630 –> 00:49:23.370
Maureen Harrington: that some people employee and they they come up with four to five questions for the candidate to APP it’s kind of like a pre screen so that’s something that could be done, or you could talk about doing zoom interviewing face to face it’s really a face to face but it’s on video.
00:49:24.750 –> 00:49:31.260
Maureen Harrington: You know there’s some great technology that that’s being deployed I think most people are comfortable at this point with with zoom.
00:49:32.280 –> 00:49:38.610
Maureen Harrington: Microsoft teams, you know other other video capabilities that are out there in order to connect with people directly.
00:49:39.600 –> 00:49:49.260
Sheri Heller: Marine you and I had a conversation yesterday, I believe, and I think it’s worthwhile to maybe share with our audience here is talking about.
00:49:49.950 –> 00:50:01.320
Sheri Heller: Before people used to come into the office and interview, and they got exposed to what our company culture was like and in the people when they can see the interaction and now we’re doing everything remotely electronically.
00:50:01.770 –> 00:50:12.120
Sheri Heller: How do we kind of get them feeling like they’re still part of that same you’re still getting that same feeling from the company when we’re doing it via video.
00:50:13.140 –> 00:50:17.040
Maureen Harrington: yeah it’s great to employ and bring that company culture into that.
00:50:18.210 –> 00:50:27.270
Maureen Harrington: interview process for sure I always kind of you know blend into my conversations when I talk about our clients.
00:50:27.690 –> 00:50:35.700
Maureen Harrington: and talk about the kind of leadership that they might have the environment working there where the office is located, giving people, those.
00:50:36.150 –> 00:50:45.750
Maureen Harrington: Those pieces of information is so important that they might be looking for, as you said, some of those soft things right so they’re not physically Mr walking into an office.
00:50:46.110 –> 00:50:55.560
Maureen Harrington: and seeing the walls and seeing you know the office environment and where they might be sitting and where other people are sitting so it’s really you know, bringing in that company culture.
00:50:56.460 –> 00:51:06.030
Maureen Harrington: You know, talking about values in the mission of the company, as part of your interviewing processes really important and having that front and Center and a on your website.
00:51:06.540 –> 00:51:20.190
Maureen Harrington: You know don’t bury the lead, there have it on your company website in the about section about you know what’s the mission what’s the vision of the company, what are the, what are the corporate values and how do you bring those values into conversations with folks.
00:51:21.210 –> 00:51:29.910
Maureen Harrington: it’s certainly a question I asked a lot and and it can be really telling for someone to see if they’re going to be a good fit.
00:51:31.380 –> 00:51:39.930
Sheri Heller: One of the things I know that we do here, an MP and so i’m part of our HR services team and anytime we have a position open.
00:51:40.380 –> 00:51:48.090
Sheri Heller: We do a group interview all of the HR geez we all get together and we, we will be part of the interview process with with prospective candidates.
00:51:48.510 –> 00:51:56.610
Sheri Heller: And what that does is and again, especially because some of us are remote right now, or most of us are still working remotely is it gives that person.
00:51:56.970 –> 00:52:01.530
Sheri Heller: A sense of what our team is like which our team just happens to be very awesome.
00:52:02.040 –> 00:52:12.720
Sheri Heller: And we really enjoy one another and that comes through so loud and clear when we’re doing that interview process that I am I will tell you that we have never extended an offer.
00:52:13.020 –> 00:52:24.330
Sheri Heller: To somebody to join our team that hasn’t accepted the offer, and I really think that that group interview helps really solidify that because they get a sense of what kind of team that they’re going to be joining.
00:52:27.060 –> 00:52:35.370
Maureen Harrington: Absolutely great point shari um I let’s what I love the purpose of those group interviews it really does drive the the team environment home.
00:52:35.760 –> 00:52:40.500
Maureen Harrington: To see how people interact with each other, the number of people on the team they really kind of get a sense of that.
00:52:41.250 –> 00:52:50.610
Maureen Harrington: They know people want to know when they’re going to be working with they just do and that’s you know just like you wouldn’t involve us environment, so you got to be able to translate that into a virtual one.
00:52:53.640 –> 00:52:59.340
Sheri Heller: Right so we’re coming up on the end of the hour, at the end of the hour and Tracy you want to take us home.
00:53:00.120 –> 00:53:10.590
Tracy Westcott: yeah sure morning, first of all, I mean, I think that this was awesome Thank you so much, you know for putting together this content and sherry for for coordinating.
00:53:11.010 –> 00:53:19.890
Tracy Westcott: Everything I think you provided some really good information, you know, both for candidates and companies as they approach the job market, right now, because, as we.
00:53:20.430 –> 00:53:25.440
Tracy Westcott: Know it’s changing it’s changed significantly in the last you know year two years.
00:53:26.160 –> 00:53:34.170
Tracy Westcott: So I also want to mention For those of you who did join us today for the webinar I would be happy to offer a free consultation to review.
00:53:34.470 –> 00:53:43.020
Tracy Westcott: Your current recruiting strategies and provide any type of recommendations and how you can you know build and maintain a strong.
00:53:43.650 –> 00:53:51.180
Tracy Westcott: recruiting process and pipeline and also we had some really good questions, so thank you so much for everybody that.
00:53:51.810 –> 00:53:56.940
Tracy Westcott: asked questions, but then also if you know we missed any of the questions we will definitely follow up.
00:53:57.660 –> 00:54:08.190
Tracy Westcott: After this webinar and this webinar, as we said at the beginning, it will be recorded and will be emailed to everybody who joined, along with the presentation.
00:54:08.790 –> 00:54:20.010
Tracy Westcott: Later this afternoon and then also next week at the same time at one o’clock you were going to have another webinar to learn about the latest hr.
00:54:20.520 –> 00:54:31.350
Tracy Westcott: employment law legislative update so that will be really interesting but yeah so thank you so much, everybody for joining us and have a great rest of your day.
Sheri Heller, SHRM-CP
HR Professional, MP
Tracy Westcott
Talent Solutions Manager, MP
Maureen Harrington
Talent Acquisition Specialist, MP
In 2021, many employers are finding hiring especially challenging. The pool of talent is limited, workers expect higher salaries, and many employers are being forced to adapt to demands from employees to work remotely. MP’s HR services team and recruiting services experts share the best practices for hiring top talent right now.
Register for the webinar to:
- Find out key ways recruiting will be different in 2021
- Discover innovative offerings to attract talent post-pandemic
- Find out the best ways to recruit employees and retain them
- Get proven interviewing tips, and creative tactics for virtual recruiting success
* This webinar is a re-broadcast of the original presentation recorded on July 15, 2021