MP + Verified First
We have partnered with Verified First to simplify your ability to screen candidates without ever leaving our platform. As a result we help our clients reduce their exposure to risk without adding time to the hiring process.
How it works:
- You install an App, Plugin, or Extension in the browser of choice
- When you are on the candidate page, you click the Verified First button
- You complete any missing fields and we start the screening process by sending all compliant notifications to the candidate
The Benefits of Verified First:
- Minimize risk
- Reduce time to hire
- Minimize time and cost of complex integration
- Increase quality of hire
- Verified First provides a frictionless experience for both staff and candidates
- Customizable – Screening packages can be customized by job role.
- Client Success – Verified First comes with our award winning client success team for the lifetime of the relationship. The best part, 100% US based.
- Free Integration – Our patented integration process is so simple, it costs you nothing to integrate.