Updated on June 14th, 2021
The COVID Vaccine: HR Policy Development Playbook
About the eBook
As the COVID vaccine becomes more widely available, employers are wondering what to do next. Should they require that their workers get vaccinated? Should they incentivize it? This eBook will cover what employers need to know right now, including how to stay in compliance with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), what reasons employees might refuse vaccination, general compliance concerns, and how to develop an action plan that best fits their organization. The book also includes a section on reducing legal risk, a contribution from Tawny Alvarez, employment and labor law attorney at Verrill. Read the eBook from MP’s HR services team to:
- Find out what employers need to know about staying ADA compliant. This eBook will give a brief review of the ADA and show employers how requiring vaccination could potentially run afoul of the tenets of this legislation. It will also delve into how employers can avoid these issues by training managers and implementing the interactive process.
- Prepare for objections to your COVID vaccine employee policies. The eBook will share what reasons employees are likely to request an exemption or accommodation from COVID vaccine policies. It will discuss what you should require the employee to do to make their request. The eBook will share the ways you can respond that will mitigate risk, liability, and damage to employee morale.
- Reduce legal risk and learn about key compliance concerns. MP’s HR services team share the potential compliance issues a COVID vaccine policy could create. Additionally, labor law attorney Tawny Alvarez of Verrill shares eight legal pitfalls– and how employers can avoid them.
Read the eBook.